
  1. Beginning on 10/6 English worship service will start at 1:30pm

  2. Nomination period for deacons and elders is from 9/29 to 10/13

  3. Church election on 11/17 includes the vote regarding classis affiliation

  4. Baptism, transfer, and confirmation classes to begin in mid-October

  5. Seeking volunteers to form a hospitality committee

  6. Children’s Sunday School seeking teachers and assistants

  7. Pray for search for a children's Sunday school director

  8. Tithing


  1. Newtown Young Adult Group invites everyone to fellowship and a movie, today in the Fellowship Hall at 4pm

  2. Baptism, transfer, and confirmation classes to begin in mid-October

  3. Seeking volunteers to form a hospitality committee

  4. Nomination period for deacons and elders is from 9/29 to 10/13

  5. Church election on 11/17 also includes vote on classis affiliation

  6. Children’s Sunday School seeking teachers and assistants

  7. Pray for search for a children's Sunday school director

  8. Beginning on 10/6 English worship service will start at 1:30pm

  9. Tithing


  1. Nomination period for deacons and elders for election begins 9/29 and ends 10/13

  2. Church election on 11/17 also includes the vote on classis affiliation

  3. Children’s Sunday School seeking teachers and assistants

  4. Pray for search for a children's Sunday school director

  5. Beginning on 10/6 English worship service will start at 1:30pm

  6. Tithing