Announcements — The Reformed Church of Newtown


Order of Worship

Call To Worship

Songs of Worship

Passing the Peace of Christ

Time of Prayer & Confession

Song of Response 

Scripture Reading
Mark 4:26-34


Baptism, Confirmation, & Membership Transfer

Song of Worship




  1. We will host a Thanksgiving Dessert / Appetizers Get-Together next Sunday, 11/27 after church from 2:30—5pm in the Fellowship Hall. Come and hang out with board games, food and fellowship. Please bring a dessert, savory snack, appetizer, and/or board game to share! 

  2. Mark your calendars! Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will be on Saturday, Dec. 24, from 6:30pm—7:30 PM in the sanctuary. We will be joined by the Mandarin congregation.  The Mandarin Sunday School will present a skit and our English Congregation Choir will present songs.

  3. Reminder to sign up for the English Retreat as early registration ends Nov 27th. Registration will increase $40 per person so sign up soon! Register or find out more at

  4. English Deacon Nominations for 2nd Election begin today, 11/20, and end 11/27.  Please prayerfully submit your deacon nominations either by submitting a Nomination Form into the Fellowship Hall mailbox OR use the button below to nominate online.

Please continue to support the various ministries at church by tithing online using the button below or utilizing the tithing box outside of the sanctuary center doors.
