得著救贖的外邦人(弗 3:1-7; 彼前 2:1-5, 9-10)—Pastor Chris Koch


Redeemed Community
(弗 3:1-7; 彼前 2:1-5, 9-10)



1. 與以色列人一同繼承
Heirs Together With Israel
The church is not a group we choose but a people we are made into through Christ
2. 同成為一個肢體
Members of One Body
We have been made into a body that has an outward focused purpose. 
3. 一同享受福音
Sharers In The Promise
We have been such a great inheritance so that we could share what we have been given in Christ with others. 


Speaker: Pastor Chris Koch

Scripture: 弗 3:1-7; 彼前 2:1-5, 9-10

Congregation: Taiwanese