Today’s Guest Preacher: Joseph DeClemente
The Elder Board and English Congregation leadership is excited to announce the hiring of Rev. Dr. John Lee to the English Interim Pastor position starting March 1st.
If you have any specific needs or prayer requests, please reach out to the deacons.
Weekly Announcements
We need a small team to volunteer for hosting the Zoom service and chat moderator positions. The Zoom host requires some training while the chat moderator simply greets the congregants and posts links/information to the chat. Please email Beverly at, if you can help.
The Elder Board and English Congregation leadership is excited to announce the hiring of Rev. Dr. John Lee to the English Interim Pastor position starting March 1st. Pastor Lee will be helping our church by providing Sunday pulpit supply as well as valuable guidance during our pastoral search and continuing ministries. We look forward to introducing him to everyone soon.
Weekly Announcements
There will also be an English Congregation Town Hall meeting TODAY immediately following our zoom Sunday service. Please join us for important updates about the transition planning and pastor search.
The 2020 Church Donation receipts are ready for delivery. If you have not already done so, please email Johnny Ko ( with your full name and mailing address so that we can properly deliver to you.
Weekly Announcements
We will be observing communion next Sunday, February 7.
English congregation Town Hall meeting on Sunday February 7 around 3 pm immediately following our zoom Sunday service.
Did you know you can tithe online? Go to to continue to support the various ministries at church!
If you are interested in helping out with virtual Children Sunday School…