
Order of Worship

Call To Worship

Songs of Worship

Passing the Peace of Christ

Time of Prayer & Confession

Song of Response 

Scripture Reading
Romans 4:18-25

”Hoping Against Hope”

Song of Worship

Missions Update




1. We will have Communion next week. For those who are participating via YouTube, please prepare the elements for the sacrament. You can use juice or wine, and bread or crackers. For those in person, we will have individually wrapped cups and crackers for you.

2. Today we have the missionary family, the Bunupuradah’s sharing about their ministry in Bangkok, Thailand through a digital video. Rawee and Nui's family is part of the Newtown family. They decided to follow God's calling and became missionaries in 2011. They embarked on their mission journey to Thailand in 2013. Rawee mainly works with local churches to train and disciple leaders. You can keep in touch with them at

3. The Consistory Elections were completed and here are the results:
Qualified Elders: Michael Chen & Chris Kuo

Qualified, Not Elected Elder:  Ning Zhang (Ning Zhang will be eligible to serve as an elder if any of the elders are unable to serve in 2022.) 

English Deacons:  Catharina Lee & Irene Ng

Taiwanese Deacon:  Joan Shen

Mandarin Deacons:  Peter Cheng, Jian Qing Ye, & Sunny Yuan

As per our church bylaws, any questions or objections to the elections must be submitted in writing before Sunday, Dec. 19th.

Thanks to all church members who participated in our election this year, despite the difficulties. Please continue to pray for our new elders and deacons, as well as our Pastors and Consistory. 

4. Mark your calendars! This year, we will have Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on Friday, Dec. 24th from 7:00 - 8:00 PM, starting in the sanctuary. We will conclude the evening by bringing the light and joy of Christ out into the world.

5. Looking for 4 ushers & greeters to help with Christmas Eve service and candle lighting. Please speak to Beverly or email if you are interested.

6. We need a few more slideshow techs to advance the song lyrics and service slides during Sunday worship. It is a simple task and training will be provided. Don’t be shy! Please email if you can help.

7. We are happy to announce that we are in Stage 4 of the church re-opening guidelines which allows 75% capacity in our sanctuary. We can have up to 120 people in Sunday worship so we hope to see you all soon! We still require the wearing of masks indoors and during service.

8. Starting next Sunday, December 5, we will no longer require online registration for Sunday services. In lieu, everyone is required to fill out a one-time waiver and check-in each week when arriving for service. Please make sure you fill in this waiver today if you did not do so last week.  

9. YCG is collaborating with City Mission to give essential items to the homeless population in Elmhurst. If you would like to donate items, please coordinate with Simone Louie to drop off items at church before Friday, 12/10. Her schedule is flexible and can probably get items from you most days of the week. Please look on our Instagram for the poster on this event, which includes all the types of items we are collecting for this ministry!

Not on social media, priority items are:

NEW: men’s underwear, men’s socks, baby wipes, nail clippers, toothbrushes, toothpaste

Gently used (cleaned) or new: men’s coats, sleeping bags (or blankets if you cannot donate sleeping bags).

10. Please continue to support the various ministries at church by tithing online at or by utilizing the large tithing box outside of the sanctuary center doors.