
Order of Worship

Call To Worship

Songs of Worship

Passing the Peace of Christ

Time of Prayer & Confession

Song of Response 

Scripture Reading
1 John 2:12-17

”Marks of Growth”

Transfer of Membership

Song of Worship




1. Congratulations and welcome to Jason Jia and Marisa Wang as they join Newtown Church as transfer members!

2. Today is the deadline to cast your vote(s). Our consistory election ran as a combination of mail-in ballot and drop-off ballot at the church from 11/7 - 11/21/2021. Drop-off ballots should be placed in the Fellowship Hall box.

The Elder Candidates for the election are Michael (Chuen) Chen (T); Ning Zhang (M); and Chris Kuo (M). The Deacon Candidates for English Congregation are Catharina Lee and Irene Ng. Please continue to pray for the candidates, the elections and our leaders. To read more about our Elder and Deacon candidates, please click below.

3. A Note from Tabea, Advent Choir Director - The Advent Season is a really important part for me to prepare for Christmas and set me into the mood of waiting for the coming of Jesus on earth. Music always played a big role in my life and especially during Advent and Christmas. Music was a vehicle to express and feel my longing for Jesus. I would love to share this with all of you through singing together in choir and in the end, worshipping during the Sunday of 4th Advent with two Advent songs. So do you come and sing with us?

What do I expect from you? The only thing I expect from you is joy in singing! Don‘t worry about being not good enough or not being able to prepare the music on your own. That‘s why we rehearse three times: to have enough time to prepare every individual and get a good sound together.

What kind of repertoire do we sing? I don‘t know yet. Depending on the group size and the different voices we‘ll have, I'll choose the repertoire. Probably one ballad and one up-tempo.

Until when can I sign up? Today, November 21 at 2:00 PM (after Sunday service)

When do we meet? Rehearsals: 11/28, 12/05, and 12/12 from 2:30-3:30 PM

When do we perform? Sunday worship (4th Advent): 12/19 at 1:00 PM

Please email if you are interested or have any questions about joining the Advent choir.

4. YCG is collecting items for the homeless up until Friday, 12/10. We will share a poster that has all the necessary information, including what specific items we need to be donated, how you can donate items and what will happen with the items you donate. Before you get the poster, here’s what you need to know right now.

The list of items we need may be updated as we finalize the poster, but here are the items that we definitely need: NEW underwear, NEW socks, coats, sleeping bags (blankets are good if you cannot donate a sleeping bag), toothbrushes, toothpaste, facial wipes, nail clippers.

YCG is collaborating with City Mission, who will help us distribute the items to the homeless population that they know and have been reaching out to. If you want to donate items, please contact Simone Louie to coordinate with her how you can drop off items to her. Her schedule is flexible and can probably get items from you most days of the week up until 12/10, as long as you can drop them off in Elmhurst.

5. Starting December 5, we plan to eliminate the weekly online sign up for in-person Sunday service. In lieu, everyone planning to attend in person services needs to fill out a one time waiver form which will be made available in the coming weeks. Please continue to sign up online for the remaining November Sunday services at

6. Please continue to support the various ministries at church by utilizing the large tithing box outside of the sanctuary center doors or online at the link below.