
Order of Worship

Call To Worship

Songs of Worship

Passing the Peace of Christ

Time of Prayer & Confession

Song of Response 

Scripture Reading
Genesis 1:1-5, Mark 1:4-11

”The Baptism of Jesus: Loved and Empowered”

Song of Worship




  1. Join us today at 3pm in the Fellowship Hall for an Appreciation Party for Jack and Jeannie Ku. We will share our thanks to the Ku’s for serving at Newtown over the last 14 years. Please bring a dish, dessert, or drinks.

  2. On Jan 28, there will be a church-wide Town Hall with Q&A at 2-3pm to elaborate on the RCA transition and expectations.

  3. There is a 2-week short term missions trip opportunity to Kaoshiong, Taiwan in July, 2024. Deadline is Feb. 4th to begin fundraising and making preparations. Please pray about it if you're interested and feel free to reach out to Missions Deacon Irene or Missions Elder Nadia if there are questions. 

  4. Come for some fellowship time after worship in the Fellowship Hall (exit the sanctuary to the left).

  5. We need a few more slideshow techs to advance the song lyrics and service slides during Sunday worship. It is a simple yet important task for service to run smoothly. Training will be provided. Please email if you can help.

  6. Please continue to support the various ministries at church by tithing online at the link below or utilizing the tithing box outside of the sanctuary center doors.