
Order of Worship

Call To Worship

Songs of Praise

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession

Response of Assurance

Response Song

Prayer for Illumination

Scripture Reading
Genesis 2:4-7, John 3:1-6

”The Holy Spirit Creates Life”

Application Prayer

Response Song



Offering Prayer

Passing of the Peace




  1. After service, come and support the Taiwan short term mission team with their first fundraising sale in the Fellowship Hall. There will be sweet and savory snacks and jewelry to purchase. Accepting cash and checks. Please make checks out to the Reformed Church of Newtown with MEMO: Taiwan Mission 2024. Thank you for your support! 

  2. Join us for a town hall after service on Sunday, 5/5, to discuss a proposal to change worship times to increase collaboration with our brothers and sisters in the Mandarin congregation as well as for updates on our denominational discernment. This meeting will take place in the fellowship hall right after worship.

  3. JoyCamp Core Team applications are open! You can apply through the link on their Instagram (@joycamp.elmhurst). If you are in high school or college and have a heart to teach the gospel to the children of Elmhurst, serving in JoyCamp will be perfect for you.  The last day to apply is April 26th. For any questions, you can speak to the director Hannah Mendoza. 

  4. Join us for a picnic on Sunday, 4/28, at Elmhurst Park. Just bring your own lunch and enjoy the weather with us. 

  5. Please continue to support the various ministries at church by tithing online at the link below or utilizing the tithing box outside of the sanctuary center doors.