
Order of Worship

Call To Worship

Songs of Worship

Passing the Peace of Christ

Time of Prayer & Confession

Song of Response 

Scripture Reading
Psalm 130, John 12:12-19

”Palm Sunday: Longing for God”

Song of Worship




  1. Good Friday: We will observe Good Friday with an evening of prayer and praise on Friday, 3/29, at 7:30PM. We will pray for ourselves, one another, and the world, as we meditate on scripture and sing together. Please contact deacon Dennis Lee if you have questions or would like to help with music.

  2. Family Community Event: Together with Mandarin congregation, we are offering an Easter Children’s outreach from 2:30-4:00 PM on 3/31. There will be games, prizes, candy, and an opportunity for kids to hear the Gospel.  The whole Elmhurst community is invited so please spread the word to families with kids! If you can volunteer to show love to neighborhood children by assisting at a station, talk to Dave Ko.

  3. After Easter Fellowship: In order to make our Easter outreach easiest for the kids, we will have a special Fellowship hour in our newly renovated upstairs space after worship on Easter. We are working on food, a raffle, and even a photo booth thanks to Lydia Su. Come eat, talk, take a picture in pastor Ryan’s silliest hats, and show Easter visitors the hospitality of Christ. If you want to help, contact Pastor Ryan,

  4. Worship Changes: The worship team has finalized a new order of service for our church. While there are no radical changes, we invite you to an information session on Sunday, 4/7, after worship at 3:00PM in the Fellowship Hall to hear about the changes and, most importantly, why we worship the way that we worship. The new order will go into effect on 4/14.

  5. Service Opportunities: We need more slideshow techs to advance the song lyrics and service slides during Sunday worship. It is a simple yet important task for service to run smoothly. Training will be provided. Please email if you can help.

  6. Join us for some snacks and refreshments after service at the Fellowship Hall! Today’s Sunday snack fellowship is brought to you by the Queens-Long Island family group.

  7. Please continue to support the various ministries at church by tithing online at the link below or utilizing the tithing box outside of the sanctuary center doors.