
Order of Worship

Call To Worship

Songs of Praise

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession

Response of Assurance

Response Song

Prayer for Illumination

Scripture Reading
Genesis 13:14-18, 1 Timothy 1:8-17

”The Gospel Is A Trust from God”

Application Prayer


Invitation to Communion

Communion Prayer

Words of Institution

Partaking of Communion

Thanksgiving Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

Response Song



Offering Prayer

Passing of the Peace




  1. Join us for refreshments and fellowship after service in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you to the Queens Family Group for hosting today. 

  2. 2024 tax donation receipts are available and being distributed. Please see Catharina to receive yours if you haven’t already.

  3. Mark your calendars for the English Congregation Retreat on May 24-26, 2025. 

  4. Please pray for our church’s search for a Children’s Sunday school Director and YCG Pastor.

  5. Please continue to support the various ministries at church by tithing online at the link below or utilizing the tithing box outside of the sanctuary center doors.