Order of Worship
Call To Worship
Songs of Worship
Passing the Peace of Christ
Time of Prayer & Confession
Song of Response
Scripture Reading
2 Timothy 2:14-26
”Building Character”
Song of Worship
Town Hall rescheduled to Sunday, Feb. 6th
directly after service
Our Town Hall meeting originally scheduled for today will be postponed to next Sunday, February 6. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please join us for important updates and to ask any questions you may have at english.deacons@newtown.church
We will have Communion next week. For those who are participating via YouTube, please prepare the elements for the sacrament. You can use juice or wine, and bread or crackers. For those in person, we will have individually wrapped cups and crackers for you.
Reminder for those who utilize the church parking lot: Please display a parking permit on your dashboard that clearly indicates your name and phone number. English congregants are free to utilize the back parking lot after 12:30 PM. Kindly park in the two rows closest to the church unless there are spots that do not block other cars from the other congregations. The other congregations are informed not to call to move vehicles during service from 1:00 PM through 2:15 PM.
Please continue to support the various ministries at church by tithing online or by utilizing the tithing box outside of the sanctuary center doors.
New Year to you and your families.
Year of the TIGER!!!