Weekly Announcements

Order of Worship

Call To Worship

Songs of Worship

Passing the Peace of Christ

Time of Prayer & Confession

Song of Response 

Scripture Reading
1 Kings 5:13-18

“Royal Consciousness” by Pastor John Lee

Song of Worship




  1. We will be having the sacrament of Communion today. If you are at home, you can use juice, wine, crackers or bread. For those in the church, please pick up an individually wrapped portion of juice and crackers in the foyer before service.

    Please help us clean up after Communion and throw away the empty container in the trash can outside of the sanctuary. 

  2. Save the date! Our next Town hall meeting will be held on July 18 immediately following Sunday service. It will be held in the sanctuary and live streamed to YouTube. Please join us for ministry updates including pastor search and church reopening updates. You can email questions before the town hall to english.deacons@newtown.church or type questions into the YouTube chat during the meeting.

  3. Please continue to tithe online at newtown.church/donate to continue to support the various ministries at church or use the large tithing box outside of the sanctuary center doors.

  4. In-person worship is limited to 40 congregants per week and sign up is first come, first serve. Service will continue to live-stream on YouTube. RSVP every Sunday at 3:00 PM.

    Attendees are required to undergo a temperature check, wear a face mask and socially distance while in the church building. Please enter the church building through the parking lot back entrance only. Attendees can enter the building starting at 12:45 PM and should exit promptly after service concludes.

    Please contact the deacons at english.deacons@newtown.church if you have any questions or need assistance signing up for service.

You can reach out to our interim pastor, Pastor John at PastorJohnLee@newtown.church or if you would like to reach English Leadership, contact the deacons at english.deacons@newtown.church.