Weekly Announcements

Order of Worship

Call To Worship

Songs of Worship

Passing the Peace of Christ

Time of Prayer & Confession

Song of Response 

Scripture Reading
1 Kings 13:1-22

"The Prophetic Word" by Pastor John Lee

Song of Worship




  1. We will have communion next week. For those who are participating via Youtube.com, please prepare the elements for the sacrament. You can use juice or wine, and bread or crackers. For those in person, we will have individually wrapped cups and crackers for you.

  2. JoyCamp ended July 16th. The directors, Danielle and Amy, will share a brief wrap up of JoyCamp. Joey will share a bit of his experience as a JoyCamp leader this summer.

  3. Please continue to tithe online at newtown.church/donate to continue to support the various ministries at church or use the large tithing box outside of the sanctuary center doors.

You can reach out to our interim pastor, Pastor John at PastorJohnLee@newtown.church or if you would like to reach English Leadership, contact the deacons at english.deacons@newtown.church.