Order of Worship
Call To Worship
Songs of Worship
Passing the Peace of Christ
Time of Prayer & Confession
Song of Response
Scripture Reading
1 John 1:1-4
”3 Levels of Joy”
Song of Worship
1. The Fall Festival Community Event/“Trunk or Treat” is happening TODAY from 3:30-5:30 PM in our church parking lot!
2. Reminder : Daylight Savings Time will end next Sunday at 2 am so don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour!
3. We will have Communion next week. For those who are participating via Youtube, please prepare the elements for the sacrament. You can use juice or wine, and bread or crackers. For those in person, we will have individually wrapped cups and crackers for you.
4. Consistory Election Candidates:
The Elder Candidates for the election are Michael (Chuen) Chen (T); Ning Zhang (M); and Chris Kuo (M). The Deacon Candidates for English Congregation are Catharina Lee and Irene Ng. Click here to read more about the elder and deacon candidates. Please continue to pray for the candidates, the elections and our leaders.
5. Consistory Elections: Our consistory election will run as a combination of mail-in ballot and drop-off ballot at the church over TWO weeks from Sunday, Nov. 7th - Nov. 21st, 2021.
If any English congregation members will be unable to drop-off a ballot at the church between the above dates, please click below to request a mail-in ballot.
6. Reverend Edward Yee Installation Service: Our brother in Christ, Rev. Edward Yee will be installed at the OCM-Jireh Church on Saturday, Nov. 6th at 10:00 AM. Live-stream will be available on the website: www.JirehChurch.Org
7. Pastor Johnson Huang Ordination Service: Our Mandarin Pastor, Pastor Johnson Huang will be ordained and installed as a Newtown Church minister on Nov. 7th, 2021 at 4:00 PM. The service will be live-streamed and all are welcome to attend in-person. Please click here to register online if attending in person.
8. Do you like to sing? We are gauging interest for a small Advent choir lead by vocalist and musician, Tabea K., to perform on Sunday, Dec 19th during service. Rehearsals will take place after Sunday service for several weeks prior to Christmas. Please email english.deacons@newtown.church if you are interested!
9. Please continue to support the various ministries at church by tithing online at newtown.church/donate or by using the large tithing box outside of the sanctuary center doors.
27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
- 1 Corinthians 12:27 ESV