The Reformed Church of Newtown

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Order of Worship

Call To Worship

Songs of Worship

Passing the Peace of Christ

Time of Prayer & Confession

Song of Response 

Scripture Reading
2 Tim. 4:1-8


Song of Worship




  1. On March 6th, we’d like to invite everyone to grab food and sit with us in the parking lot (we’ll set up tables and chairs) for some fellowship and eating. Please feel free to grab food outside or bring food in and we can sit together and hang out.

  2. Reminder that we have reopened the front gates and doors to church during English Sunday service.  Please utilize the front entrance after 12:45 pm as the back parking lot doors will be locked.  Also remember to temperature check and sign-in in the foyer area when you enter the church building.  

  3. The english deacons’ email address has been updated to  Please use this email for any questions or correspondence you have for the leadership team regarding any ministries or events happening at church. 

  4. Ready, set, read!  Our monthly book club has relaunched on Wednesdays at 7:30pm on Zoom. The new book we will be reading and discussing is “The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis. If you are interested, please email

  5. Tabea and Simone are gauging interest in forming an English congregation choir that would perform 3-4 times a year during service. Details to be determined based on how many people are interested. Please contact Tabea ( or Simone ( if you are interested in participating.

  6. YCG is inviting families to Adopt-A-Student for dinner! The goal of this simple program is to connect more youth and college students with church members outside of YCG. Fill out the Google form on our Facebook page if you’re interested, or if you do not have Facebook, email Simone at to access the form. 

  7. Reminder for those who utilize the church parking lot:  Please display a parking permit on your dashboard that clearly indicates your name and phone number.  English congregants are free to utilize the back parking lot after 12:30 pm.  Kindly park in the two rows closest to the church unless there are spots that do not block other cars from the other congregations.  The other congregations are informed not to call to move vehicles during service from 1 pm through 2:15 pm.

  8. Please continue to support the various ministries at church by tithing online at or by utilizing the tithing box outside of the sanctuary center doors.